RADON. It Kills. (Now Do We Have Your Attention?)

January 2017 marked Radon Awareness Month in the state of Minnesota. This followed what has been a three year joint effort by the Minnesota Departments of Health and of Commerce to raise awareness and increase real estate disclosure about the deadly effects of radon gas. In fact, we at the Chuck Eckberg Group feel this is such an important issue we have written about radon three times in the past three years.

Radon is a radioactive gas which is everywhere, forming from the natural decay of rock and soil. The pesky radon molecule, quite unfortunately, is the perfect size to lodge in lung sacs. Once there, these molecules can cause lung cancer, suspected of causing between 22-25,000 deaths in the US each year.

Radon gas is present and becomes concentrated in all homes, but can vary widely in concentrations among different homes and in different parts of the home. Only testing can reveal these concentrations, and only radon mitigation systems ($1,350-$2,000 for an ‘active’ system with a fan), can reduce these concentrations to safer levels towards zero.

The state’s increased focus on radon has had a direct effect on real estate. State building codes for new builds now require installation of passive radon mitigation systems. Pre-existing home sellers also now have a duty to disclose test results and the presence or lack of a radon mitigation system. Virtually all buyers of real estate include radon testing within a proper inspection process (mine certainly do!) When radon concentrations exceed the ‘action level’ of 4.0 pCi/L (picocuries per liter of air), this is recognized as a safety issue. Though not mandated, it is the norm that sellers fix safety issues prior to closing.

Back in 2007, before Deb and I finished our lower level, we tested our home for radon. Levels then were found to be under the ‘action level,’ and even though any amount of radon gas is unsafe, we thought it safe enough. Testing again this year though, our home tested higher, at 6.5 pCi/L, so we have installed an active radon mitigation system.

Installation Process, Quite Simple!

Very familiar with radon mitigation companies, we went with Eric Theis of North Star Radon Solutions. The crew of three arrived at 9:30 a.m. and finished in 3 hours. They sealed the sump pump basket, since radon gas escapes from the ground into the home. Cutting a hole in the basement floor to access the drain tile, a 4” PVC pipe is then inserted which vents to the outside.  A fan, which creates a vacuum to draw radon gas out of the drain tile system and house, was located in the garage attic. Inclusion of a fan is recommended, and is the key component to make the system the more effective “active” system vs. a “passive” system without a fan. The picture to the right shows a manometer. Levels of the blue-dyed oil, when uneven, show the fan is creating suction and working properly. Mitigation systems are almost foolproof in their effectiveness, and after our radon mitigation system was installed, radon levels to drop from 6.5pCi/L’s to .3!

I might be banging this drum in part because this is a personal thing for me. My mother, Peggy, died from lung cancer when I was just 25. Though she was also a smoker for some of her adult life, I can’t help but wonder if her time spent doing laundry in the basement, where radon gas concentration is usually the highest, may have contributed to her early death.

To summarize, here is my informed logic on this: DO test for radon! Either use a tester I purchased for you to use (just ask and you can use it!), or you can get a discounted test kit from the Minnesota Department of Health. www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/indoorair/radon/radontestresults.html.

If levels are low, below the ‘action level’, GREAT! If levels are high, install a radon mitigation system now! When you eventually sell, you’ll most likely have to install one anyway, so by installing one now, you’ll be doing the utmost to protect your family
and yourself.

To help you get this done, and in honor of my mom, I am offering to share some of the radon mitigation system costs with you. You can choose any vendor or North Star Radon Solutions (visit the approved installers list at: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/indoorair/radon/mitigation.html). For the first ten families who contact me with proof of installation by July 15th, I will contribute $100 to each of you! All you have to do is furnish a paid invoice to me. And this just in: Eric Theis of North Star Radon Solutions, when using his company, has also offered to match the $100 I am offering!

Let’s get busy together and take positive steps to assure your family remains healthy!

{Though I would love to serve as your Realtor, you are not obligated to use me now, or in the future to take advantage of my offer. Sorry, no Realtors, mortgage or title company professionals are eligible.}

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